How to create CD and configure with CM on azure

By Shekhar Gigras

Follow the same steps till upload the file through storage explorer, according to my this blog(How to create sitecore CM and CD on azure)

Create one folder with name of CD and copy all files of Azure RM Template folder files in this folder (Download here for create the CD)

create power shell script according to my this blog(How to create sitecore CM and CD on azure)

after run the script go to azure portal and see the below screen

Click on rm-sitecore-cm-cd-glassmapper-cd and copy URL

Paste url in browser


Setting on CM server

  • Set Configuration
  1. Go to app service editor and click on go

  1. Open Connection String.config file and add one line 

add one patch file in one folder like zPublishing/Glassmapper.PublishTarget.config for configuration

Download Patch File Here

Upload file in include folder through ftp



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Posted in Sitecore on May 26, 2020


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