How to Setup Sitecore JSS and deploy in sitecore

By Shekhar Gigras

What is sitecore JSS

  • To make Sitecore more scalable by reducing the load from sitecore server and delegating to same to Node Server
  • To Provide funll Experience functionality for application development by using frontend technology like react,angular js
  • Frontdeveloper can work in disconnected mode means without sitecore instance
  • Reduce the sitecode licence dependency
  • provide both functionality, content from sitecore and functionality from frontend technology like react, angular js

Step required for JSS setup with sitecore

npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

Start the setup

Open Sitecore panel and check your sitecore jss licence detail (Control Panel/Administration/Installed Licences)


Install Sitecore java Script Package


Verify The package installed or not (/sitecore/system/Settings/Services)


Open command prompt with administrator

  1. Create directory with the name "JSS-DEMO"
  2. Install node.js if not installed
  3. run above command (npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli)

create JSS Application

  1. Run below command (we are create the JSS app with react, if you want to create angular then you can use angular)
jss create itsolutionworld react


  1. Run below command (inside the application folder) to for start the node server and run our JSS application
  2. Go to application folder (CD itsolutionworld)
  3. Node server by default run on 3000 port (http://localhost:3000)
jss start

Steps for JSS application deploy in sitecore

Posted in Sitecore on May 30, 2020


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