What is sitecore JSS
- To make Sitecore more scalable by reducing the load from sitecore server and delegating to same to Node Server
- To Provide funll Experience functionality for application development by using frontend technology like react,angular js
- Frontdeveloper can work in disconnected mode means without sitecore instance
- Reduce the sitecode licence dependency
- provide both functionality, content from sitecore and functionality from frontend technology like react, angular js
Step required for JSS setup with sitecore
- Download and install Node.js
- Download Sitecore Java script Service
- Install Sitecore JSS CLI (find the all npm package here)
npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli
Start the setup
Open Sitecore panel and check your sitecore jss licence detail (Control Panel/Administration/Installed Licences)
Install Sitecore java Script Package
Verify The package installed or not (/sitecore/system/Settings/Services)
Open command prompt with administrator
- Create directory with the name "JSS-DEMO"
- Install node.js if not installed
- run above command (npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli)
create JSS Application
- Run below command (we are create the JSS app with react, if you want to create angular then you can use angular)
jss create itsolutionworld react
- Run below command (inside the application folder) to for start the node server and run our JSS application
- Go to application folder (CD itsolutionworld)
- Node server by default run on 3000 port (http://localhost:3000)
jss start
Steps for JSS application deploy in sitecore