Implement FirstData ICICI & CCAvenue Payment Gatway

By Shekhar Gigras

Design Pattern : Dependency Injection

Download the code and implement in your project. Download code have 3 projects.

  1. Web Project
  2. Console Application
  3. Payment Library

In Payment Library, no need to change it.Please see the below class diagram. Yiu can implment other payment gatway also in this project. Only just create one more class in below folder

Already two classes is there, ICICIHelper and CCAvenueHelper


When you run the Web Project with start "CustomerForm.aspx" under ICICIBank folder then screen will display like this


When you run the Web Project with start "CustomerForm.aspx" under CCAvenue Folder then screen will display like this


Remeber: change the setting according to setting
    <add key="ICICIPaymentGatewayPurchase" value=""/>
    <add key="ICICIPaymentGatewayRefund" value=""/>
    <add key="CcAvenueMerchantId" value="1234566"/>
    <add key="CcAvenueWorkingKey" value="gfdgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfgfd"/>
    <add key="CcAvenueAccessCode" value="fdgdfgdfgdfgdfgfdg"/>
    <add key="CcAvenueCheckoutUrl" value=""/>

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Posted in Dotnet on May 17, 2020


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