Sitecore 9.0.2 installation on local machine

By Shekhar Gigras

Setup Prerequisites

  1. Windows 10 or Window server 2012 and above
  2. Java Runtime Environment
  3. Windows PowerShell version 5.1 or later
  4. MS SQL Server 2016 SP1 or later
  5. .Net Framework 4.5.2 or later
  6. Web Deploy 3.6
  7. URL Rewrite 2.1
  8. SOLR 6.6.2
  9. NSSM
  10. Sitecore Installation Framework(SIF)
  11. Download Sitecore 9.0.2

Installation Steps

Install JDK & JRE if already install then set environemnt variable (This is required for Solr Installation)

  1. Type "Env" in search box then click on "Edit the system enviroment variable app"


  1. Click on Envirment Vaiables


  1. Set JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME according to the figure, after that set the Path Variable for both (User and System)


Install Solr

  1. Extract Solr in any directory where you want to extract it.


  1. open command prompt with administrator mode and go to bin directory under solr directory.
  2. type command "solr start -p [port]" but remeber this port because we need this port is required for sitecore installation.
  3. open browser and type in address bar http://localhost:[port].


Install Solr as a window Service

Avoid the above steps to run the solr, we will install the service through NSSM. NSSM is a utility to install the window service

  1. Got o NSSM utility folder and type "nssm.exe install Solr" and then enter one screen will be open and set the paramter according to the figure


  1. Go to service and run the solr service

Setup HTTPS for solr because https is required for sitecore installation

  1. Download SolrSsl Power Shell file from git
  2. run this script in powershell as an administrator mode not in ISE 1.PNG
  3. Copy Certificate file "solr-ssl.keystore.jks" and "solr-ssl.keystore.p12" into "solr-6.6.2\server\etc" folder
  4. set below line in solr.cmd file(this file exists in bin folder under solr)
set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
  1. open browser and type in address bar https://localhost:[port].

How to solve solr installtion is issues

  1. Keytool issue : if installation failed due keytool.exe then check your environment setting and when you set the environment setting, remember close the powershell and open it again.
  2. Again you facing keytool issue then open normail powershell in administrator mode. we have 2 powershell, one is window powershell and other window powershell ISE. So we will use only powershell not ISE
  3. Certificate Issue : if you face certificate issue then remove the certificate file "solr-ssl.keystore.jks" and type sert into search bar, you will get 2 option one is user certificate and other is computer certificate. remove the certificate entry from both



Install Sitecore Installation Framwork(SIF)

Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation

Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -Repository SitecoreGallery -RequiredVersion 1.2.1
Remeber Later version not compatible with this version

Enable Contained Database Authentication

sp_configure 'contained database authentication',1

Install Sitecore 9.0.2

  1. Download Sitecore package from the sitecore site
  2. extract the zip file in one folder like c:\sitecore 1.PNG
  3. you will get these files also 1.PNG
  4. one more file in the zip "Sitecore 9_sc9_install.ps1", open this file and set the paramter according to you. like Database setting, solr setting, hostname etc.. Run this file in powershell as an administrator 1.PNG

Successfull installation

  1. Open Browser and type for site and for admin panel

Default Sitecore user : admin

password : b

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Posted in Sitecore on May 23, 2020


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